Wilderness 2024

Terms and Conditions

Upon successful application, these Terms and Conditions will form an integral part of your contract together with your Offer to Trade and event specific Traders Information. Please make sure you read and understand them and are willing and able to comply with them before continuing with your application.


Any company or person found to be in breach of these conditions on site will be evicted without reimbursement of any monies paid for the concession.


1.     Payment for pitches must be made before the date specified on the offer letter. Non payment by that time will result in the pitch being reallocated. Payment will only be accepted by bank transfer.

2.     Sub-contracting stalls or a part of stalls, by traders is not permitted, and traders must only sell goods specified in their application form.

3.     Traders must set up at the time specified in the Traders Information and at no other times. No company/person will be allowed to trade without prior arrangement.

4.     Pitch Fees cover the cost of your pitch ONLY and no other facilities. Other facilities including power, individual plumbing and waste and internet services that may be required will be invoiced for separately.

5.     There are no guarantees for particular positions on site. Depth of stalls will be determined by frontage booked. Where possible, there will be an allowance for a vehicle behind each stall. Any encroachment beyond the allotted pitch would have to be paid for and/or could be construed as breach of contract.





1.     Festival Organisers may confiscate any goods of a sexist, racist or offensive nature, or any product that offends for cultural appropriation reasons.


2.     All traders must display signs with their business name and address and     price lists in a visible location at their stall. Any descriptions of goods made by traders must be accurate.



3.     Employers Liability and Public Liability Insurance must be on display in stalls at all times. Traders must meet all employers legal Health & Safety responsibilities to their staff and must ensure contractors delivering to/working on their stall are suitably insured.


4.     Traders must ensure their staff adhere to the published pass system. Pitches are sold with an allocation of trader passes. Vehicle passes are non-transferable and must not be switched to another vehicle.



5.     No animals are permitted on the Festival sites.


6.      All vehicles are brought on site at their owners’ risk, and must be suitably insured. No vehicle movements may take place during the licence period. 5-mph speed limits are in force on all sites at all times. No motorcycles, quad bikes or buggies are permitted on site. Traders are responsible for arranging that delivery vehicles have all necessary paperwork and passes prior to arriving at vehicle gates. Delivery firms must be told they come on site at their own risk.



7.     Traders must comply with legislation relating to Health, Safety, Hygiene, Noise at Work, Working at Height and smoke free legislation. Traders are not permitted to start trading until they have completed a health and safety check which will happen onsite.


8.     Traders are responsible for keeping both the 10 metre area in front of their stalls as well as their back of market space tidy and free of rubbish. Traders leaving any rubbish, refrigerators, furniture, equipment or structures will be charged for the cost of clearing their pitch and disposing of the rubbish – and may not be invited back to trade at future events.


9.     Waste water must be put in the containers provided and not poured on the ground or into streams. The dumping of sumps is prohibited at all sites.


10. It is essential that all traders have appropriate fire extinguishers for their stalls. Food traders require a minimum 5kg Dry Powder extinguishers and fire blankets for a small operation. Any food trader outlet must carry out a fire extinguisher requirement audit and carry sufficient in-date extinguishers. All outlets will be checked by the on-site Fire Safety Inspection team, any instruction from the Fire Safety Team must be complied with.


11. All gas equipment in trading units and camping area must have current safety certification. Safety precautions regarding storage of bottled gas must be followed.


12. Traders are not allowed to bring straw or hay on site. Under no circumstances can traders have straw or hay inside their stalls, irrespective of weather.


13. Electricity for market traders will be provided on site and recharged to the trader. Generators are not permitted. Traders who pull more power than agreed will be disconnected and closed down. All electrical equipment on site must have a current safety certificate.


14. All traders must use compostable, biodegradable disposables including wooden cutlery and paper plates, and bags etc. Traders must ensure taps are not left running or connected to public taps.


15. No broadcasting of sound or visual images (including transmitting or casting text messages or other material to mobile phones) will be permitted by any trading staff or from any stall.


16. Traders are required to cooperate fully with Officials – including site management, security, the emergency services, the Police and all official organisations of the site – such as the Environmental Health Officers, Fire Officers, Customs and Excise staff, the Environment Agency, Trading Standards Officers and Inland Revenue staff.


17. Festival Republic Limited, MAMA Festivals Ltd nor RB Vernon Ltd will not accept responsibility for the level of trading at an event. No rebates will be given to traders as a result of adverse weather conditions, changes in performance programmes, re-siting of acts to different venues, nor as a result of any changes in the layout of trading areas.


18. Traders must comply with any site specific requirements to enable the event to run within licence constraints, any site specific requirements will be outlined in the Traders Info for each event.


19. If a trader is closed down and/or evicted from site for contravening an event licence, any of these Terms & Conditions or prescribed health and safety or environment health standards, they shall not be entitled to any rebate.


20. Traders may display in front of their stall – but must not extend beyond a maximum of one metre. In some trading runs even that may be too great and may impede crowd movement. Traders must respond immediately if asked to remove any racks or boards by festival management or security. As this is a crowd safety issue, failure to respond immediately will result in the stall being closed.


21. If the Festival is cancelled for any reason in its entirety before the first admission of attendees to the Festival Site on the first day of the Festival (including, without limitation, as a result of a Force Majeure Event), we shall refund to you all of the payments you made to us for the Festival. All refunds due shall be made after our monies refunded from the Festival are cleared and the repayment of such monies shall be our sole liability to you.


22. If the Festival is cancelled for any reason either in its entirety or in part after the admission of attendees of the Festival to the Festival Site (including, without limitation, as a result of a Force Majeure Event) we shall not be under any obligation to refund to you any of the payments you made to us and we shall have no liability to you in these circumstances.


23. VAT is charged in accordance with the VAT status of the event. Event status can change at anytime and is determined by HMRC guidelines.




Wilderness is a cashless event.


The event promoters will provide point of sale protocols and fees upon successful application. You will not be permitted to accept any form of cash, cheque or PayPal payments from your stall. Anyone found accepting any other form of payment will be asked to leave the festival site.


Before continuing, please note that applications will not be accepted without all of the following documentation. Please ensure you have this to hand, ready to upload at the end of this application:


1.     Public Liability Insurance to the value of £5 million.


2.     Employers Liability Insurance to the value of £10 million.
3. Food Hygiene Rating certificate from your local authority (rating of 4 or higher). This must be the actual certificate and not just a photo of your score.


3.     Food Hygiene Rating certificate from your local authority (rating of 4 or higher). This must be the actual certificate and not just a photo of your score.


4.     Food Safety Certificates for all staff (no more than 3 years old).


5.     Health & Safety Risk Assessment for setting up your stall.


6.     Food Safety Risk Assessment.


7.     Fire Risk Assessment.


8.     Full menu and price list.


9.     Images of your stall and set up.


The following are also mandatory, but only if applicable to your business operations:


1.     Gas Safe Register certificate (no more than 12 months old).


2.     PAT certificates for all electrical appliances.


Please still upload documents even if they will be out of date by the time you come to trade at the show. You will be able to log back in and upload new documents as and when you receive them, but no later than 4 weeks before the event.


I have read and understood the Terms and Conditions on this page, I understand that Wilderness is a cashless event, with a pitch fee of 28% (net) and I will pay for the services required to adhere to this.








1.     Only drivers aged 21 or over with a full, clean licence will be permitted to drive vehicles.


2.     Drivers of vehicles and those who are to operate machinery are not permitted to drink alcohol or be under the influence of drugs.


3.     All materials and articles should be transported safely, with regard to workers and the public; special care should be taken during loading and unloading.


4.     Supervisors are to ensure that all loads are secured.


5.     Vehicle movement while the public are onsite will not be allowed.


6.      Contractors should ensure the safety of all others while manoeuvring and unloading materials.


7.     All manual handling should be carried out with due regard for safety.


8.     Only vehicles making essential journeys will be permitted to drive on site. Officials will stop vehicles to ask their destination and why. Vehicles may be impounded if necessary, so please pass this message on to all vehicle owners.


9.     Passengers must not be carried on any part of a forklift and under no circumstances should people ride on forks unless a purpose built ‘man-cage’ has been secured and attached. Drivers should be experienced and competent and are responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of their machine.


Electrical Safety


1.     All electrical installations and equipment must meet the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and conform with BS 7909 regulations.


2.     Power equipment, cabling and plugs are the responsibility of the site electrician. No traders may interfere, or attempt repair of electrical equipment. Interference or attempted repair of site electrical equipment by any unqualified individual or anyone other than the site electrician is a criminal offence.


3.     Any underground cabling will be identified and no work is permitted near to that area without permission of the site manager or electrician. If in any doubt ASK.


4.     In units, sheds and stalls where electrical equipment, lighting, and domestic equipment is used, regular checks should be made on plugs, cable wear, the safe layout of cables, etc.


5.     If a fault is suspected in any circuit or apparatus e.g. because of a repeated blowing fuse, the electrician should be called and the appliance taken out of use.


6.     Circuit breakers should be provided and should be used: Plugs should not be overloaded.


7.     Extreme care should be taken in placing any electrical equipment close to the power lines. It should be avoided if possible because of the potential of induced electric fields. All structural work should be authorised by the Market Manager.


Gas Safety


No-one is allowed to bring gas cylinders onsite without the permission of the Site Manager or the Trader Manager to ensure that they are aware and follow our strict rules on LPG safety.



Ensure that you are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions.


Personal Hygiene


Please wash yourself in the hand basins provided as often as you are able and always before handling food.


General Public


When working during the event, special care should be taken to protect general public. Attention should be given to warning them of hazards, and being prepared for unexpected responses from those who may be disorientated or unaware.


Drug Abuse (The abuse of alcohol and substances such as solvents)


Drug abuse can impair judgement and performance, and put at risk the drug taker, fellow employees, contractors, the general public and the environment. Any employee unfit through this will not be allowed to work. Smoking is not allowed in any structure. The appropriate signage must be on conspicuous display in your stall.


Disciplines, Appeals and Complaints


All traders have a duty to co-operate with the Licensee and to comply with the law in matters of health and safety. Failure to do so or to follow safe working practices after receiving suitable advice and encouragement may result in disciplinary action. This is dependent on how serious the offence was and whether or not it was an isolated incident. Disciplinary action could consist of verbal or written warning, suspension or eviction for cases of misconduct.


Anyone given a verbal warning which is considered unjustified may ask for it to be referred to the Trader Management Team. Prior to dismissal or suspension, the Trader Management Team will make an investigation. Appeals should be made to the Trader Manager within 7 days in writing. Complaints about Health and Safety should be made initially to Trader Management, who will attempt to rectify the problem.


If an appropriate resolution is not obtained the employee may refer the matter to the Event Management Team for discussion with the Trader Manager and others if appropriate.


Music Systems


Due to licensing restrictions, no sound systems will be allowed on any trade stalls. Anyone ignoring this will face immediate closure and eviction without compensation.


Soft Drinks and Water


If you wish to retail soft drinks and/or water we will inform you closer to Wilderness which brands you can sell that don’t conflict with brand partners that we may have at the event.


Wilderness may dictate the purchase route for soft drinks and water at any time. DO NOT assume that you may procure soft drinks from any supplier. If in doubt ASK.







Upon successful application, all working personnel will be provided with site specific Site Rules. Prior to your arrival on site, each member of staff is expected to have read these Site Rules and have a clear understanding of their obligations with respect to health and safety on site.


A Yellow & Red Card policy has been introduced at Wilderness to decrease the amount of Health and Safety breaches and unsafe work practices on site.




• If the offence is minor and the situation is of low risk a warning will be given.


• If you are seen repeating the offence, or the original offence is of high risk, a Yellow Card will be issued.


• If you are seen re offending after being issued with a Yellow Card, you will be issued with a Red Card.


• A Red Card may be issued straight away depending on the severity of the offence.


Yellow Card = Record of offence.

Red Card = Fine to the Supplier of £100. We reserve the right to permanently remove contractors from site.


Further details of this may be sent along with the Site Rules upon successful application.






The Festival site includes areas where high noise levels will be produced by sound systems. These levels may mean all working personnel are exposed to noise levels above the point at which protective action is required by UK law. The duty to protect staff falls on the Employer, and NOT on Festival Republic/Live Nation; however, we are partners in ensuring no-one is harmed during the event and will work with you to help you make positive steps to look after your staff.  The Festival will zone trading areas as Red, Orange and Green according to the likely level of noise that may be encountered. Each trader has a legal duty to take suitable measures (i.e. providing reusable corded earplugs or other appropriate hearing protection) to protect staff from the hazardous effects of working in loud noise.


Upon successful application and siting, if your stall falls in a Red or Orange Zone (which is likely to be the case for all stalls in an entertainment arena), we will provide further information on what these measures are.


All traders will also be required to complete a Noise at Work Acknowledgement form onsite.





Wilderness take sustainability and the impact the show has on the environment very seriously and are taking measures necessary to help reduce the festival’s carbon footprint. We are looking for the best traders in the industry that share our ambitions.


Before continuing with your application, please read our Trader Sustainability Requirements.




Failure to comply with our sustainability standards may result in a loss of your pitch and trader deposit.


Dedicated sustainability officers will be onsite to ensure standards are being met. Anyone found not to be meeting the requirements may lose all or part of their deposit or be closed for trading for the duration of the event.


You can also read Live Nation’s Sustainability Charter (link below)






Wilderness welcomes deaf and disabled guests and is working hard to make the show as accessible for everyone as possible and to ensure all customers are able to access goods and services.


As a trader at Wilderness we require that you:

• Have menus with prices in large font (min size 18pt font) to be able to hand to disabled customers.

• Have a system to serve a member of the public who is in a wheelchair user or unable to collect food from a serving counter and/or who may require assistance when ordering and collecting food and drinks.


Upon successful application you will be required to answer a questionnaire, from Attitude is Everything, intended to ask you to consider what you can do to make your stall accessible.



Menu Pricing


Menu pricing conformity is important to ensure the Wilderness customers are not being overcharged/undercharged whilst still allowing for a competitive market at the event.


To help you set your menu pricing we have created the documents below giving acceptable guideline price ranges.



If any of your pricing is outside of these ranges you will be asked to justify the price difference when your menu is reviewed.


I have read the relevant menu pricing document and understand that pricing outside these ranges will need justification.





Accreditation And Vehicle Passes


• We cannot guarantee your requests for crew passes.


• You will be asked to justify all requests.


• There are a limited number of tickets and vehicle passes available.


• All accreditation (wristbands/vehicle passes) will be issued from the accreditation office on arrival.


• Please note that any lost/damaged passes will be replaced for the full price of an event ticket.




Overnight camping is available in the designated crew campsite, away from the main arena. This has to be requested prior to the event. The campsite will have security, clean showers and toilet facilities. There is a limited amount of space behind each stall but no shower facilities are available. No camping is permitted anywhere else on site. Anyone found camping outside the designated camping area will be removed from site and trading will be ceased.



Staff Vetting


You must ensure (and provide evidence where requested) that all staff coming to work at Wilderness (whether engaged by you or an approved subcontractor) are vetted to an appropriate standard, for example:


• DBS (if required)


• ID verification including photo


• Right to work check


• 5-year employment history where possible


You may not engage foreign nationals to perform the works where the ability to check their authenticity and credentials is limited because of their origin.


Consent For Vetting


We reserve the right to conduct our own vetting and may require the name, date of birth, place of birth and address of all staff to process them via a PNC check with the local police. You must ensure that all staff understand that their consent to this is a condition of entry onto the Event site and also must retain evidence to demonstrate each member of staff’s agreement to the same which should be available on request. This personal information will be collected via the event accreditation system.


PNC Vetting Criteria


No staff can work onsite who have any spent convictions under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and/or any offences of Assault under the following:


• The Criminal Justice Act 1988.


• The Criminal Law Act 1967.


• The Offences Against the Person Act 1861.


Full vetting criteria and our vetting policy is available on request.


Data Protection Notice


The Company respects the privacy rights of individuals and is committed to handling personal information responsibly and in accordance with applicable law.


The Company collects and uses the personal information provided to it pursuant to this Agreement primarily for vetting purposes – in particular, to assess the suitability of the staff or contractor to work at the Event and verifying information, carrying out reference checks or background checks (where applicable).


The Company also may use the personal information provided where it considers it necessary for complying with laws and regulations, including collecting and disclosing staff member personal information as required by law (e.g. for tax, health and safety, anti-discrimination laws), under judicial authorisation, or to exercise or defend its legal rights.


The Company will only allow access to personal information to those who require such access to perform their tasks and duties, and to third parties who have a legitimate purpose for accessing it. Whenever the Company permits a third party to access personal information, it will implement appropriate measures to ensure the information is used in a manner consistent with this clause and that the security and confidentiality of the information is maintained.


If you are in any doubt regarding the applicable standards, or have any comments or questions about this clause, please contact the Company’s Data Protection Officer on privacy@livenation.co.uk





It is essential that all traders have appropriate fire extinguishers for their stalls. Food traders require 5kg Dry Powder extinguishers and fire blankets, as a minimum. You must carry out your own fire safety audit and carry sufficient fire extinguishers for your operation.


More extensive trader fire safety requirement information will be sent upon successful application – you must ensure you are willing and able to comply with this.


Fire safety assessments will be carried out onsite as part of pitch sign-offs, before trading can commence.


Fire Safety Requirements


The Fire Safety Team will be inspecting your outlet, here is is an indication of they type of extinguisher equipment they will expect to see.


If your outlet is small and only uses electricity (no gas) and you do not have any fryers then you should have a minimum of 5kg powder or CO2. Larger outlets will require larger extinguishers.


If you use gas and have only 1 fryer less than 20 litres capacity then you will need 3 litres Wet Chemical extinguisher plus 5kg Powder. More than one fryer then 6kg Wet Chemical plus 5kg Powder


For larger outlets you will need Foam plus CO2 and/or larger capacity Powder the size of which depends upon your set up.


All extinguishers must be in serviceable condition, with yearly check (in date) clearly marked on the cylinder and easily accessible.


All extinguishers must be in serviceable condition, with yearly check (in date) clearly marked on the cylinder and easily accessible.







If you use gas, you must have an up to date Gas Safe Register certificate (no more than 12 months old). Please upload this at the end of this application (if applicable)


No-one may bring gas cylinders on site without the permission of the Site or Trader Manager, to ensure that they are aware of and follow our strict rules on LPG safety.


More extensive trader gas safety information will be sent upon successful application – you must ensure you are willing and able to comply with this.


Gas safety assessments will be carried our onsite by the on-site fire team and/or a Gas Safe engineer as part of pitch sign-offs. These officers, the Event Safety Co-ordinator, or the Licensing Office will prohibit the use of any unsafe equipment they find. Further checks will be carried out throughout the weekend.





Cashless System


Wilderness is a Cashless Event and the terminals will be provided (at cost) by the event.


Infrastructure costs for internet connection, terminal rental and transaction fees will be retained from your takings and invoiced post event. Costs will be advised closer to the event, for indication purposes 2023 costs were as follows:


Internet – £150.00 per connection (one connection per outlet required)


Terminal Rental – £25.00 per terminal


Transaction Fee – 2.5% of takings


Overrider – 28% of takings







We are committed to reducing energy consumption across site, so traders are not permitted to bring their own generators. Use of your own renewable power (solar and wind) is welcomed. Any small-scale plant equipment should be kept in a secure area.


The use of petrol vehicles within the licensed site is prohibited, whilst the site is open to the public. Concession facilities e.g. pumps, cooking appliances etc must not be powered by an engine where this runs on petrol. The Fire Safety Team will be checking your compliance with this on an ongoing basis.


All fuel must be used efficiently, and equipment turned off when not in use so as to not waste energy.


If you use any type of electrical appliance, we must see your PAT certification for all your equipment as part of this application.


Power bookings made after the application deadline date will be subject to a 25% surcharge.


We will contact you if your application is successful to confirm requirements and costs. Below are example costs only:


16A 1ph – £300


32A 1ph – £530


32A 3ph – £1360


Exact power costs will be supplied prior to the event and invoiced post event.





Artist & Crew Meal Vouchers


We may require all food traders to offer at least one crew menu option that can be claimed with a valid crew food voucher.


The voucher has a value of £10.00 (inc VAT). The choice of meal is up to you.


Meals must be standard, adequate sized portions and available throughout the weekend.


If you are found to cease supplying or reduce the size of crew meals at any point throughout the festival weekend, we may request that you leave the site.







To successfully site your stall we require the following dimensions. Please note pitch depths are subject to site location:


• Stall frontage – the width of the front of your stall. Not including tow-bars, extra guy ropes, etc.


• Pitch frontage – the overall width of the pitch that you need, including the stall, storage, camping, tow-bars, guy ropes, etc.


• Stall depth – the depth of your stall structure only.


• Pitch depth – the overall depth of the pitch that you need, including the stall, storage, camping, tow-bars, guy ropes, etc.



Visual Guidelines


Wilderness prides itself on making sure all pitches integrate seamlessly into the festival and the natural beauty of Cornbury Park. It’s about looking high quality. If you have a run of traders all looking great, you all do better. These guidelines will let you know what we’re looking for.


• Structure preference is for vintage vehicles, bespoke builds using natural, hand-finished timber, fabrics and materials, canvas tents etc. Wilderness does not accept PVC tents. You must either effectively cover your PVC tent or bring a canvas alternative.


• Natural, subdued, muted colours work well.


• We are unable to consider heavily branded, corporate or trade-show, exhibition-style content of any kind.


• Please only use hand-painted signage or chalkboards etc. Wilderness does not accept PVC signs or banners.


Things To Avoid


• PVC tents, vinyl banners, clear span marquees, printed flags, PVC tents and structures.


• Feather flags.


• Large/tall, angular structures.


• Garish/neon colours, cartoons, graffiti visuals.


• Fake plastic flowers and foliage.


• LEDs or bright neon festoon (we encourage vintage style or warm white/yellow fairy lights).


• You are not permitted to hang anything from the trees around your stall. While this may look beautiful, the trees are extremely old and in some cases fragile and it is our responsibility to protect them.





Food Safety is of Paramount Importance.


If you are accepted as a Food Trader at Wilderness, you will need to download our Food Safety Checklist and take your completed checklist with you to the event. This checklist is specifically designed for caterers and food business operators attending outdoor events, to help you identify any hazards and for you to put the necessary controls in place to make sure that the food you provide at Wilderness is safe to eat.


Food Safety Inspections


Unannounced food safety inspections will be carried out on site by Environmental Health Officers from the local authority and / or our own team. This will involve an inspection of your unit, a brief audit of your food management safety system and inspection of your current practices including food temperature checks, allergen control and compliance with our environmental requirements etc. The duty to comply with all food safety law, including that relating to allergens, is the responsibility of the food business operator.


Registration With Local Authority


Food traders must be registered by the food business operator with the local authority within which the establishment is ordinarily kept. Food traders wishing to operate at Wilderness must have a ‘Food Hygiene Rating’ of 4 or above at their last local authority food hygiene inspection. New food business traders should contact their local authority regarding their food hygiene inspection and Food Hygiene Rating. Without a Hygiene Rating Certificate, you will not be offered a site at Wilderness.





Hazard Analysis & Food Safety Management


It is a legal requirement that you have a Food Safety Management System (FSMS) in place based on the HACCP principles. This can be achieved be completing the Food Standard Agency’s ‘Safer Food Better Business’ or similar FSMS documentation such as ‘Cook Safe’.


It is a condition of contract with us that you comply with the relevant criteria referenced.


Unit Hygiene


Stalls must be designed, constructed, kept clean and maintained in good repair and condition, in a way that avoids the risk of contamination, particularly from animals and pests, as far as reasonably practical.


You must use appropriate facilities to maintain adequate personal hygiene, including facilities to wash and dry hands hygienically, hygienic toilet facilities and changing facilities.


If you wash or clean food as part of your business, then you must have adequate facilities to do this hygienically.


Surfaces that are touched by food must be in a sound condition and be easy to clean and, where necessary, to disinfect.


This means that they need to be made of materials that are smooth, washable, corrosion-resistant and non-toxic, unless you can satisfy Environmental Health Officers that other materials are appropriate.


You must have adequate facilities for the cleaning and, where necessary, disinfecting of working utensils and equipment.


You must have an adequate supply of hot and/or cold water that is potable (drinking quality).


You must have adequate arrangements and/or facilities to store and dispose of hygienically any hazardous and/or inedible substances, and waste (whether liquid or solid).


You must have adequate facilities and/or arrangements for keeping food at suitable temperatures and monitoring these.


You must have adequate facilities and/or arrangements for keeping food at suitable temperatures and monitoring these.


Failure to comply with Food Safety Legislation and Food Safety Good Practice will result in closure and/or eviction from site.


Acrylamide Legislation


Please note this relatively new legislation which impacts a number of foods, including chips.




Allergen labelling, menus, signage, management.


Audit Of Allergen Management


Environmental Health Monitors will carry out an audit onsite of your allergen labelling and management. Any traders found not managing or identifying or labelling allergens correctly will be removed from site without any repayment of site fee and banned from working at our events in the future.


If you are accepted as a Food Trader at Wilderness, you will need to download and complete the form




A  Food Safety Level 3 member of staff must be available at your outlet AT ALL TIMES. Preferably with a second level 3 available to cover breaks, toilet visits etc. Indicate below if you are able to comply with this requirement.